13 Interesting Facts About Mars

01. Mars is the most studied planet.

02. Mars has 24 hours in a day but 687 days in a year.

03. It takes approximately 16 months to travel from Earth to Mars and back.

04. Mars drew itself nearest to Earth on August 27, 2003.

05. Mars’ atmosphere is made up of 95% carbon dioxide.

06. Mars has 4 seasons like Earth. This is caused by the tilt of the planet's axis, at a similar angle to the tilt of Earth's axis.

07. Mars and Earth have approximately the same landmass.

08. The Sun appears about half the size on Mars as it does from Earth.

09. The largest volcano in the Solar System is on Mars. It is called Olympus Mons.

10. Bits and pieces of Mars can be found on Earth.

11. Humans tend to “lose weight” in Mars.

12. Mars takes its name from the Roman god of war.

13. The Mars symbol symbolizes the male gender.

14 Facts About Programming That You Should Know.

00. Counting starts from zero, not one

01. A good programmer is thinking about his job 24x7.

02. Writing software is a team effort, but writing code is not.

03. Any software goes through a process of decay, just like food.

04. In 1994, studies had shown that 31 per cent of most software projects failed at some critical point.

05. A good programmer always uses existing solutions for every common problem that they face.

06. A programmer is always judged on his productivity and a great programmer is always 20-100 times more productive than an average programmer.

07. 35% of time programmers spent on finding what end-user will do something wrong.

08. Sleeping with a problem, can actually solve it.

09. Programming is thinking, not typing.

10. As you don’t care about computer world , Programmers don’t care about real world.

11. Programming is not easy as it sounds.

12. Remote programmer productivity is lower than the productivity of local programmers.

13. Most programmers are white, young & male.